NDTV Profit Brand Studio

The Objective

Aims to decode and discuss key issues influencing future of living in Indian urban zones, through insights from experts in technology, urban planning, and real estate

The video series and e-book also aims to focus on communicating some of the path breaking initiatives executed or planned by Purvankara

Create impactful multi-format content and promote on BQ.com, social assets & across the web and hosted on a dedicated microsite

The Approach

  • UrbaNext, by Bloomberg Quint and Puravankara, aims to decode the future of living in Indian urban zones
  • This 6-episode series features distinguished and expert voices sharing their experience and insights on  trends, challenges, and opportunities in India’s future cities
  • On-Site and Social amplification through interesting video formats to appeal to a broader audience set

The Solution

    • The campaign was hosted on a dedicated content zone and amplified on other social platforms
    • The prime objective was to create awareness & Engagement with aspired target audience

The Campaign


A Multi-format Content With High Digital Amplification

The Outcome